Why Universities Are Making Law Degrees More Practical

Why Universities Are Making Law Degrees More Practical

For decades, law degrees have been incredibly “book-centric.” Most budding lawyers spent the majority of their time flicking through tomes of case histories, looking for precedents. But technology and working practices are changing, and the old approach simply isn’t working anymore.

Universities must do two things. First, they need to produce candidates who have working experience of the practical legal issues that companies face on the ground. And, second, they need to provide young people with expertise in niche areas of law not covered by traditional courses.

Course organizers, therefore, have moved profoundly toward combining education with experience. They’re placing students in legal organizations and exposing them to the realities of the trade, allowing them to build their practices as well as theoretical expertise.

Working as a lawyer in today’s market is very different from the past. The demand for legal services was, in many ways, much less varied. While there were corporate legal professionals, the bulk of the sector focused on the criminal justice system and family law.

With the rise of increasingly complicated IP and international relationships, that’s no longer the case. Businesses need legal professionals who can provide them with insights that will protect their interests.

Are you considering taking a university degree in law? If so, then check out the following infographic. It explains how legal qualifications are becoming more “experiential” and moving out of the library and into the field. These changes are making getting involved in law much more exciting and, frankly, valuable to your ambition.

Infographic by USC